Development & learning
Grow Abilities
Modern life is full of demands. People must develop and adapt to their environment. Therefore, they should develop and train personal abilities.
Slowly but surely
The second area of Career & Consulting is devoted to Development, which stretches over the lifespan. Depending on their tasks and environment, people try to meet challenges of life. In the course of time people develop different abilities and achievements that they acquire step by step.
To work out a development profile, it is necessary to check the respective occupational status. It does make a difference, advising a high school finisher or a senior executive. While one has to choose a career, the other needs psychological counseling for his professional ambitions or changes. |
climb the summit
On average, the acquisition of expertise requires 10 years of conscious practise. Experts spend countless hours to learn specific knowledge in areas such as arts, medicine, physics or sports. This implies a long, hard way uphill.
The basis for the acquisition of expertise is formed by specific attributes of a personality. This includes, among others, the so-called Delay of Gratification. People with a high value on this scale can defer a prompt reward in favor of a later, larger reward. |
go to the limits
High performers in sports and business want to fulfill their potential.
During the goal-oriented training, people reach limits of their individual possibilities. At these borders, questions like "How do I deal with limits, do I want to expand my possibilities and what is the price of moving limits?" arise. On the way to new borders the personal attribute Frustration Tolerance also plays a role. It describes the individual ability of people to cope with disappointments, to endure critical situations or to learn from defeats. |